Womenlines takes pleasure to share the video series with influencer Eitu Vij Chopra about how to unleash the healthiest version of self-using holistic mediums. Eitu Vij Chopra, Wellness Coach from India is sharing in the above video, unique ways to use mediums like food, colours, gems, smells, mudras, reflexology, yoga which can help people to attain best self-health.
In the second episode, Eitu is sharing insights about how yoga can balance chakras to help you to start living to the fullest!
Eitu is an Educationist/ Fundraiser/REX Mission Leader Founder at Karmic Therapy by Eitu, Co-founder & Chief Curator at REX Ideas for Action/life coach and Energy worker/writer and poet.
A Life & Wellness Coach, Eitu can help people to steer through life by way of motivation and various energy healing modalities, to take charge of their life, its purpose and its goals. Eitu wholeheartedly works towards helping her clients getting their unique power in VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous) world, giving each neuron in their body a clear road map to touch upon their milestone for a meaningful, purposeful life and unleash their true heroic potential.

Eitu has been an inspirator and encourager in her life. She has an innate quality to inspire and guide people by way of inspiration and motivation. She has been conscious of the power of inspiring young even when she began her teaching career 29 years ago. She believes in always bettering the lives of people she crosses paths with. Like Robert Louis Emerson, she believes that there are no strangers here, only friends we have never met and so, is always breathing life and inspiration mindfully to make a difference in the lives of others by enabling them to see their true value and latent potential.
Please visit KARMIC THERAPY BY EITU to know more details about her work!
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[…] Also read: How Yoga can Balance Chakras to Help you to Start Living to the Fullest? […]