Womenlines takes pleasure to welcome Nalini Dheer from India as a guest contributor for the ‘Healthy Recipes for Healthy You’ segment of Womenlines! ‘Healthy recipes for healthy you’ is especially for that segment of Womenlines audience who are eagerly looking for new recipes which are healthy also!
Healthy Recipies for Healthy You
Dessert Banoffee Pie
1 tin condensed milk
1/2 cup fresh cream
1 packet digestive biscuits(200gm )
2 tbsp butter
4 …5 bananas
- Grind digestive or marri biscuits to a fine powder and mix melted butter in it …it should be like crumbs
- Press this biscuit butter mix in a transparent 8 by 8 glass dish
- Set the dish in the fridge for half an hour
- One night before prepare toffee from milkmaid in cooker (kindly see the process of making caramel in cooker from milkmaid on youtube)
- Take out pie dish from the fridge and put 2nd layer with banana rounds
- For the 3rd layer spread full 400 gm caramel milkmaid on biscuit and banana layers
- Beat cream until soft peaks add few drops of vanilla essence and add half mashed banana and 50 gm approximately caramel milkmaid and fold in the whipping cream
- 4th layer will be of above-whipped cream
- Decorate with banana and biscuit powder or your imagination
- Serve chilled

Nalini shares a passion for life and loves to express that through food. Nalini has travelled all over India and abroad with her husband who was a doctor in the Indian Army and now retired. Nalini has avidly experienced and learnt the cultures and food across India while travelling across the country as an Army wife. She also recently retired as a kindergarten teacher to enjoy the wonders of being a grandparent!
Nalini is now keen to build a community of like-minded folks with a focus on sumptuous tasty and healthy food through “Oorja”. She would love to share with busy mothers and busy households, the beauty of the dynamic Indian cuisine and western Indian variations. Her endeavour is to make her recipes crisp & concise that is quick to follow and healthy for today’s on the go modern woman.”
Visit – Oorja – https://www.instagram.com/iamoorja/?hl=en
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