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Success With Payal- Strategies to Come out of Self-Guilt as a Working Mother

Welcome to ‘Success with Payal’ series at Womenlines!

Womenlines takes pleasure to introduce Payal Nanjiani, a US-based globally acclaimed inspirational speaker, leadership and success coach, as an Influencer for ‘Corporate Success Tips’ on Womenlines panel. Payal will be sharing exclusive content with Womenlines which can help women working in the corporate sector to develop leadership skills and success mindset. Payal will look forward to replying to queries from Womenlines readers too! Feel free to drop your questions in the comment section. This month read and listen from her about various strategies which can help women to come out of the lot of self-guilt especially when it comes to leaving their home and child to go to work


Women face a lot of self-guilt especially when it comes to leaving their home and child to go to work. Most of the times it causes us to either slow down our business/growth or take a break from the career world. In either case, it impacts our work negatively. So how can women move ahead without guilt and be a high-flyer despite the slow down or career break?


One September day in 2014, I received a text message from a friend of mine-named Julia. She was so nervous about an upcoming interview. This interview was coming after her twenty-fifth rejection in a row of interviews. Now let me tell you- the truth is that Julia at one time was heading the media department in a mid-size advertising agency. Her work took her places and she had a great career. But things changed after her first child was born. Torn apart between staying home to care of the newborn and continuing her demanding career, she chose the former. Today after a seven-year break from the adv field, she is desperate to return back to work. But at every interview, she faced rejection and questions on her 7-year gap in the resume. She lost confidence in the market and in herself. And the one thing she kept saying to me and herself was- ‘why do women have to go through this career break..’


There is a common ingredient that guides women’s decision on whether to take that break from their career or not- it’s the ingredient of guilt. A pang of guilt that surprisingly only we women go through. Guilt is the major reason for this dilemma in every woman’s life- And whatever the decision be- guilt meets you in either of the paths that you would choose to walk on.


Let me tell you, friends, it is possible to be a high-flyer after years of being out of the workforce. It is possible to climb that ladder and expand that business even after slowing down for some years. What matters most is what you do during these times. Now the biggest problem that comes along to women when they take that break is lack of confidence. Don’t allow that to beat you. These are the best years of your life. Take it as a privilege that you got to take a break from the fast-paced growth and career world.


I’m sharing with you some ‘on-ramping’ strategies that will help you, just like my clients to be high achievers once again. It will build a strong foundation.

Be a possibility finder: Physically you may be out of the workforce or decided not to go ahead with that next big move in the company. I get it. But the problem is that most women take a break mentally too. They are so involved in the house and kids that they get totally disconnected from the market. Please, don’t take an extended mental break. Do some part-time work or some consulting, so there is not a huge chasm in your resume and experience. Whatever field of work you are in or plan to get into- find opportunities around it. Don’t do it for money- do it to be in the market- that is the key driver here. Consider a more meaningful way of spending your break time -Volunteer to write a piece of article, volunteer at a business association, or to teach and mentor people from your industry. Look around you and you will find opportunities. Be a possibility finder.


Network: Whether you like it not, you have to network. I know it’s easy to slip into a routine and not want to get into those shoes and walk out of the comfort zone. But you must -otherwise, mediocracy will become your second nature. To build a network- You don’t have to join a list of associations. Just a couple of them which you can attend on regular basis. Most associations invite industry speakers from whom you can learn, and connect with.  You will meet people from different industries and you can build a great work relationship with them. When it’s time for you to get back to work- leverage your network connections to get a head start.


Be in touch: Keep your connections on with your boss, your peers and team members. Build on that bridge, write some blogs for your internal company page. Meet them over for coffee or lunch. Just drop by at your office to say a hello. In these times where people are quickly forgotten and replaced, you want to be on the top of their mind.

Friends, you’ve got to push yourself hard today and every day. Life will knock you between the eye, but you’ve got to bounce back. You’ve got to take charge of your success. Don’t let time overpower you. Do what time does best- keep moving ahead.

For a complete list of strategies on how to be a high flier click  PODCAST

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