Womenlines takes pleasure to run an IWD special series ‘Entrepreneur of the week’!Know how Clarissa Kristjansson’s coaching can help women to thrive in Menopause!
Part of the @women of truth thought leaders Revolutionising Women’s health 2021, Clarissa Kristjansson is an internationally recognised Midlife and Menopause coach & mentor who helps women reinvent midlife by coming into a greater awareness of themselves, shifting their mindset, building resilience and implementing profound compassionate change in their lives. So that they become that woman who lights up the room, confident and energized.
Clarissa has 28 years of experience leading transformational change. Her C-Suite experience has been forged in multi-national FMCG and she has had 7 years of experience working with neuroscience, mindfulness, compassion and health coaching supporting women during major life changes like menopause, career and relationships shifts. She is a speaker, author of the international bestseller ‘The Mindful Menopause’ and the host of the popular ‘Thriving Thru Menopause’ podcast.

Clarissa Kristjansson
Clarissa encourages women to completely embrace the physical, emotional, and spiritual dimensions menopause brings.
As menopause creeps in, many women find themselves feeling confused, anxious, and alone, says Clarissa Kristjansson – an internationally recognized Menopause expert.
Clarissa believes menopause, however, poses an unprecedented opportunity to find your true purpose and energy, and she encourages women worldwide to embrace menopause with confidence, understanding, kindness, and optimism.
When menopause seems overwhelming, Clarissa’s international bestseller, The Mindful Menopause, will help guide you back to a sense of peace and ease with her genuinely holistic approach.
Harnessing seven years of experience in mindfulness and health coaching, Clarissa is renowned for supporting women from all walks of life during significant changes like menopause, career and relationship shifts.
After almost three decades in the corporate world and at the helm of a senior leadership position, amongst many other credentials in life, Clarissa found herself at a crossroads. In 2013, she suffered burnout. Ironically, it was during her perimenopause that she discovered something very profound – the true art of strengthening her mind and body.
She realized that the key to living well was to develop a kinder and gentler approach to our minds, to shift from blaming and criticizing ourselves to being curious to know how our minds work.
Over the years, Clarissa has helped menopausal women boost their confidence, well-being and enhance their ability to thrive in their personal and professional lives.
Now, after the success of her first coaching program Thriving Through Transition, Clarissa is launching a new robust eight-week program, titled: This Sacred Journey of Menopause, which provides effective techniques that open a gateway for women to explore the physical, emotional, and spiritual dimensions of their life transition.
Clarissa has launched her new program, and run her masterclass Why Menopause Can Be Your Best Lifestage at the ‘Women Of Truth’ event on 15 March 2021.
Giving an overview of her program, Clarissa says:
“I’ve put this program together with hopes that this inspires women to feel empowered to look beyond symptoms, to celebrate their own beauty and power, and to redefine what it means to be an ageing woman.”
Contact Details
Want to know more about Clarissa, her achievements, and all her workshops and programs? Visit her website https://clarissakristjansson.com, email: clarissa@clarissakristjansson.com, Connect over LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/clarissa-kristjansson/
Follow podcast https://www.sheleadspodcasts.com/show/thriving-thru-menopause/
This series is part of the @women of truth thought leaders revolutionising women’s health 2021! For tickets to the masterclasses please purchase your ticket here: – BUY TICKETS
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