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Peak Performance Secrets Exposed

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Imagine if you can learn those tricks and tips on how to peak perform every day?

Womenlines takes pleasure to welcome Fahsham Farook, a Peak Performance Coach, Human Peak Performance Expert, Bio-hacker, Achievement Strategist, from UAE who is sharing peak performance secrets in his video!

To achieve your dreams always perform at peak psychology!

I’m Fahsham Farook. I’m a peak performance coach, business coach, and bio-hacker. I have been trained by the world’s leading peak performance and business coaches Steven Kotler, Michael Neill, and Tony Robbins. I’m the founder and CEO of Fahsham Farook Research International, which is focused on transforming lives across the world by helping people perform at their full potential based on the proven neuroscience methodologies and achieve their seemingly impossible goals.

My expertise and passion are to help people play the next level of their game in life by helping them hack their psychology and physiology to unleash their brain capabilities and lead an energetic passionate and purposeful life.

My client lists include Business Owners, Start-up Entrepreneurs, CEOs, Other high-level executives, Athletes from all over the world.

I was formerly working as Sr.Integrity Engineer in the world’s biggest energy company Saudi Aramco. I’m a martial artist and holds a 3rd DAN black belt in karate (Shito Ryu-Japan).

Watch my masterclass to know more about me and my work.

My latest Free Mega Masterclass is “The 3 Step brain and body hacking system used by the world’s top performers to consistently achieve their impossible goals”.

Go to the link to get instant access?? https://10xpeakperformance.com/auto-webinar-registrationbuywiyzk

My webinar can help you to-

  • How to identify your true passion, purpose in life and turn it in to a business.
  • ?Learn to unleash your true potential  by consistently getting into “FLOW”, the ultimate human performance state.
  • ? Learn to create clarity on your life’s vision and goals.
  • ?How to overcome negative energies (negative thoughts, fears, stresses, overwhelm, limiting beliefs, bad habits etc.)using bio-hacking techniques based on the proven neuroscience methodologies.
  • How to get unstoppable energy every single day.
  • ?Learn the NEW advanced science of human ultimate performance and the art of achieving impossible goals used by the world’s top performers.

Subscribe to https://www.womenlines.com to become the best version of yourself! Womenlines is a weekly online magazine publishing content on Business Excellence, Health, Leadership Skills and listed in the top 50 women’s online magazines to follow in 2021!

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