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Success with Payal: How to handle a tough boss with ease?

Womenlines takes pleasure to introduce Payal Nanjiani, a US-based globally acclaimed inspirational speaker, leadership and success coach, as an Influencer for ‘Corporate Success Tips’ on Womenlines panel. Payal is sharing exclusive content with Womenlines which can help women working in the corporate sector to develop leadership skills and success mindset. Payal will look forward to replying to queries from Womenlines readers too! Feel free to drop your questions in the comment section. This month read and listen from her about various strategies about how to handle a tough boss with ease?


All of us wish we would have fantastic managers—bosses who helped us succeed, who made us feel valued, and who supported us. But the reality is different. During your work life, you are going to interact with a boss who micromanages, gets angry or is rude, has too many expectations or is flat out a workplace bully. We’ve all been there—trying valiantly to reason with an incredibly difficult boss. The situation proves frustrating, annoying, and sometimes even frightening. You still have to make the best of the situation and get your job done. There are proven techniques to manage such dicey situations better. Here is one powerful technique using OASIS as a way to deal with a demanding boss. When practised, I assure you that you will see the change in your outcomes.

Work on yourself, not on the boss: Most of us spend hours and hours of our time in wondering how to change the boss. And who has succeeded? And then you become frustrated, your energy at work is drained out and finally, you are on a lookout for another job. And who knows what type of boss you will come across here? So you get stuck in this constant search of finding that ‘perfect boss.’ Instead, when you have a tough boss, take it as a fertile ground for your success and development. Life is allowing you to deal with such situations and people, making you tough for future challenges on your path to success. So use this opportunity and begin to work on yourself. Practice OASIS to change your results.

Observe: Start to observe what all things about your boss irritate you. Do not take anything personally. Stay away from judging.

Accept: Completely accept that this is how your boss is, and this is how he deals with people and situations. Never let your boss’s bad behaviour be an excuse for your own. All too often, people start feeling entitled to slack off, take longer and longer lunches, lose interest or stop performing well because of their bad boss. Don’t do it. Keep your mind focused on top performance.

Stop: Stop building up, negativity around his behaviour. Instead, understand what your boss does, and more importantly, why. When you know what drives your boss (even if your boss may not be fully conscious of it), you can speak to “his listening,” frame your opinions and use language in ways that line up with his core values, concerns, and priorities.

Invest: Rather than complaining about the boss, invest that time in developing skills and coping mechanisms that will help you to focus more on your work. Raise your own leadership capacity to deal with people and situations of any types, anywhere.

Shift: When you get frustrated or angry about your boss behaviours, shift these emotions to calmness by shifting your perspective and thoughts about the situation and person.


Finally, to know how to handle an unreasonable and difficult boss is to truly master the art doing the inner work on yourself first. Everything else will follow through.

Here is a video with a tip that most of the clients have applied and seen the results. https://youtu.be/9Hc7xRvRZck

Payal Nanjiani

Reach out to Payal at success@payalnanjiani.com or connect with her on LinkedIn or Facebook page. Women leaders and entrepreneurs can now subscribe to the iSucceed-an inspirational podcast for women.


Discover Incredible work done by Payal Nanjiani at  https://www.payalnanjiani.com/  

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