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The Success Story of Ms International World Singapore 2022 Deepika Saluja is more than Inspirational

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Womenlines takes pleasure to welcome Ms Deepika Saluja to the Womenlines family, who was crowned as Ms International World Singapore in 2022! Listen and read Deepika’s success story in her own words!

Deepika grew up in a conservative Sikh family and is of Indian origin. She is one of four children and the first female in the entire extended family to travel overseas for her education and to pursue a professional career.  After graduating from the United States, she took up work with the NYC Police department and conducted a special project before moving to Singapore to continue her studies. She then settled in Singapore and started a family of her own. While being a full-time Mom, she found one of her passions was to educate the world about Child Sexual Abuse. A platform that she is very serious about and is close to her heart.

She firmly believes that Pageants are not just glitz and glamour, but a way to make your voice heard around the world. She feels that using this type of vehicle will not only inspire yourself but also millions of others to be the best versions of themselves. She has done some modelling for Singapore Brands!

Ms International World Singapore 2022- Deepika Saluja  

My dreams.. My inner-strength..

Modelling? Pageantry? At this age? Aren’t you a mother? How did your husband “allow” you?

 My fascination with modelling and pageantry began as a young girl. I aspired to be confident and graceful like models and pageant contestants. However, growing up in a conservative family in India, pursuing this field was not an option as my parents would never agree. So, I buried that dream somewhere deep in my heart, where it lay dormant for many years.

 It was finally…at the age of 40, that I found the courage to revive that dream and began my journey into modelling and pageantry. It has only been a year, but what a wonderful one it has been! I am the first Indian to hold the title of Ms. International World Singapore. I represented Singapore on an international stage and was among the top favourites of the judges. Furthermore, I have modelled for brands in Singapore and in India, and I have been featured in international fashion magazines. I am extremely proud of what I have achieved so far and for proving to myself that if I set my mind to something, I can accomplish it!  

But achieving these heights was not easy. As women, we face a lot of scrutiny from society. Moreover, for women who break social stereotypes, the scrutiny is even more. We get judged for creating our unique path, for taking decisions that break the norms or for simply questioning them. Somewhere, the fear of being judged and scrutinized forces us to put our passions in the closet. Then, we get so engrossed in our various roles and responsibilities that we forget what our heart desires. 

I faced this scrutiny every day during my journey, and I still face it. But when the realization that “I only have one life to be me!” struck me, I knew fulfilling my dreams was only in my hands. I began focusing on things that would help me achieve success. The first thing I did was to develop self-belief that I can accomplish anything no matter the odds. The quote by Walt Disney, “All your dreams can come true if you have the courage to pursue them”, became one of my favourite quotes. There were a lot of noises around me trying to distract and demotivate me.  I tore myself away from the negativity and surrounded myself with people who helped boost my confidence and focus on my goals. My journey to becoming a pageant queen was transformational, it pushed me to dive deep within myself.  So instead of getting dismayed by people’s opinions of me, I worked hard and persisted in transforming myself into a better version of myself.

 To all my fellow superwomen, you have the strength and the power to make your dreams come true. So, reignite those dormant dreams, do what makes you feel alive, and show the world that you are multi-faceted and not confined to your traditional roles…after all…you only have one life to be you! 

Deepika Saluja

Ms International World Singapore 2022

Mother, Banker, Model

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