Womenlines takes pleasure to welcome Subah Jain as an Influencer for Food and Nutrition on Womenlines panel!
This dynamic young woman has already established herself as a sought-after wellness speaker and educator. Her YouTube channel, Satvic Movement. is quite popular and is delivering holistic, ageless and timeless knowledge of purifying the body and hence getting rid of all health problems without medicines. Subah wants to create awareness about how a plant-based diet can be helpful in getting rid of medicines and diseases!
Womenlines will be sharing various tips and recipes by Subah Jain to lead a healthy life. This month sharing is about how to remove toxins from the body-

Ayurveda explains that the root cause of any disease is the accumulation of toxins in the body, whether it’s excess weight, high blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol, asthma, PCOD, stones, cysts, or any other chronic disease. No disease can survive in a body that is clean internally. This video explains three powerful methods to remove these toxins, cleanse your body and consequently, lose weight, cure disease, have clearer skin and greater energy. The three methods outlined are intermittent fasting (also called 16-hour fasting), enema (to cleanse the colon) and cold wet packs. Once the waste is out, all diseases will be cured. No disease can survive in a body that is clean internally.
Fasting lowers risk of heart disease – https://bit.ly/2HdZBHF ?Fasting fights cancer – https://bit.ly/2tMXRgi ?Fasting reverse diabetes – https://bit.ly/2GZ6NrP ?Watch the full documentary on fasting – https://amzn.to/2Oaq5hF Special thanks to Markus Rothkranz for this video!
Follow Satvic Movement on Instagram-
Instagram: http://instagram.com/satvicmovement
(Content credit Satvic Movement Channel Youtube)
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Charu Mehrotra
Founder- Womenlines
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