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How to use EFT Tapping to align your Thoughts with your Desires

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Influencer for Alternate Therapies Suzanne Alfandri has shared how to use EFT tapping to align your thoughts with your desires!

Womenlines takes pleasure to share powerful knowledge about EFT Tapping from the expert Suzanne Alfandri, from the USA.

Does that quiet voice that is chattering in your mind, support the changes you want? Noticing what your self-talk is, can be a big step to making that change you want!

Suzanne Alfandri

EFT Expert

What is Tapping?


Tapping, also known as EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), is a powerful stress relief technique. Tapping is based on the combined principles of ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology.

Studies have shown that Tapping decreases cortisol (often called the stress hormone) in your body. The World Health Organization has announced that stress is the health epidemic of the 21st century.

This is because stress is linked to anxiety, weight gain, sleep problems, lack of motivation, chronic pain, stomach issues, and depression. Tapping is proven to reduce stress, lower cortisol, improve sleep, reduce anxiety, relieve pain, increase productivity, and so much more!

Stress is also detrimental to your immune system because when you’re stressed, your immune system’s ability to fight off antigens is reduced, and you are more susceptible to infections. Tapping helps to lower stress, and in turn, allows your immune system to do its work!

How does it work?


The basic Tapping technique requires you to focus on a negative emotion at hand. This can be a fear, a worry, or any unresolved problem. While maintaining your mental focus on this issue, you use your fingertips to tap 5-7 times on 9 specific meridian points of the body (more specific information on this below).

Tapping on meridian points sends a calming signal to the brain, letting your brain know it’s safe to relax. So, for example, when you receive bad news from your boss or you begin to worry about future events, it triggers a part of your brain called the amygdala.

When you think of the amygdala, one word should come to mind:


This part of the brain is responsible for triggering the stress response in our bodies, releasing stress-related hormones into the bloodstream. Also popularly known as the fight-or-flight response, it is the body’s natural reaction to a perceived threat.

The problem is, we tend to have our amygdala in charge way more often than we want.

The amygdala’s response is effective when you’re faced with real-life danger but damaging when you want to feel calm and confident during a high-stakes meeting. And most of the time when this is happening in your body, you aren’t experiencing the fight-or-flight (or freeze) response for the same reason that our ancestors did long ago were. There is no tiger in the woods, but the response in your body is still the same.

Tapping on these meridian points (the same used in acupressure) while you think about what is causing you stress helps your mind understand that you are not in any physical danger and it is safe to relax, reducing cortisol levels.

Tapping gives you the opportunity to bring your life back into balance and reduce stress around your relationships, finances, weight, pain, fears, and so much more.

eft Tapping therapy expert

Video Credit-Suzanne Alfandari

It is a pleasure to welcome Suzanne Alfandari, Motivational Interviewing Trainer, an expert in EFT tapping training, and Licensed Therapist from California as a guest contributor at Womenlines Panel. A Certified Expert EFT Trainer and Practitioner, Suzanne has also worked 15+ years as a family therapist at Marin County Mental Health Services where she continues to serve as the Stress Manager for the Marin County Office of Emergency Services. She is a member of MINT, the International Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers, and is a MINT Certified Trainer.

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