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Importance of Nutrition & Proper Diet for Women’s Health at Different Stages of Life- Key Points from Health talk by Meenu Agarwal

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Womenlines as the digital marketing partner for ‘Health talk on the proper diet for women’s health at different stages of life’ by Clinical Dietitian Meenu Agarwal at Sea Front Condo on 6th April 2018 sharing key points from the talk-

Informative, enlightening and insightful- Health talk on the proper diet for women’s health at different stages of life by Clinical Dietitian Meenu Agarwal at Sea Front Condo on 6th April 2018 was straight from her heart!

“Outlook towards health has to change and prioritized in a women’s life” This is a passionate urge from Meenu to womenfolk around. A woman’s body goes through different stages and hence the nutrition needs are different.

Key points for every woman from the talk-

  1.  Women who want to get pregnant should prioritize preparing their body to welcome and grow the baby inside them. Meenu’s hard-hitting statement for those women who want to plan their pregnancy -“Have you prepared your body to get pregnant. That’s the first accommodation for the baby. If we decorate the house to welcome baby before that woman has to take care of her body and make it healthy and strong to welcome the baby. New life is going to build inside her. Will you be able to provide sufficient nutrients to your baby?” For pregnant ladies, Meenu advised importance of Folate intake as it is important for neural tube development. Walking and deep breathing exercise are mandatory for pregnant women.
  2. Menopause was the next topic which Meenu considers as ‘New birth of Women’. There are definitely challenges at this stage like high cholesterol, hot flushes, sudden sweating, dryness of skin, hair and many more. But instead of panicking, women should focus on the solutions and self-management. Be at peace with your body, wear light clothes, say big ‘No’ to ‘no-exercise’, add omega 3 fatty acid in the diet along with regular supplementation of calcium and vitamin D, keep yourself relaxed and enjoy your new phase.
  3. Nutritional facts- Potassium is very important to save from panic attacks, Vit C has to be taken for better absorption of Iron in the body, Zinc deficiency can lead to infertility and diabetes, Vit A very important to maintain the integrity and function of skin and mucosal lining( the inner lining of airways, digestive and urinary tract), Vit D as supplement is mandatory for those who have low levels of Vit D in their body and for better absorption of calcium.She also explained how a deficiency of copper leads to the deficiency of iron in the body (resulting anaemia).


Meenu emphasizes that young women should not complicate their bodies by following a variety of diets to get their favourite number on weighing scale. The focus should be on attaining desirable energy levels through the proper intake of vegetables and fruits. If one is mindful of what type of food with what content she is taking, she can definitely maintain a desirable weight. Eating food with mindfulness and proper chewing can be very helpful in getting maximum benefits out from food we have eaten. Annual tests for fasting glucose, lipid profile, vitamin D, Iron, Magnesium, Calcium is must for every woman.




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