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What are you doing in life?

It was a thought-provoking article on 24 of Jan, in Life section of Times of India-‘So what you do?


It reflected the inner quest of individuals to question themselves are they happy with what they are doing? What type of job one dreams for and what type of job one gets is not necessary to be same. It’s really a troublesome question for many individuals while they are being asked the question that is they enjoying their work….what things they enjoy….are they aware of things which they enjoy…..

Women are known for their passion for everything they do, whether its family, work or anything and if they work in the field where their heart lies then they are more passionate about everything in their life. Every individual has some inner passion for some work which brings a twinkle in their eyes. Maybe you are working but you were in love with poetry or sketching or some other hobby which fills you with more energy and life in comparison to your job and then you love to talk more about it than your work. I am not saying that stop working and follow your hobby, but be in touch with yourself.

I just loved the answer when one woman said to the question”Madam what you do?”…she said,”I love dancing and professionally I am a banker!”. Financial independence gives you security in life and every woman should work for it but your passion for your hobby fills you with more happiness in life that will help you to live your life with more contentment so stop leading life as a robot…search that source of happiness within yourself and be happy so that you can make your family happy!


Charu Mehrotra

Promoting Excellence in Women!


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