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How social networking by mothers can help kids to learn certain skills

Social networking can do wonders if used positively. Networking is good if done with like-minded people, so for mothers, it is all about meeting with mothers of same age kids as their ones. Social networking can help them to have some talk with the fellow mothers and this can be valuable ‘me’ time for themselves!

Hats off to womenfolk of Dallas who are being termed as dollar wise who have used this tool to form groups for their kids and organize camping and other activities at low cost. I am really amazed that how these moms got together and planned a group for their kids. I strongly believe in the saying where there is will there is a way. Mothers want so many things for their kids but at times are not able to get or organize due to certain reasons. Its very necessary for the child to participate in outdoor activities and games. Interaction with other kids helps him in learning new things and developing social skills.


Group activities can be beneficial for stay at home moms to keep them active and use their skills in a different way. They themselves can take benefit by making new friends in the group, then they can teach kids group some new activity or skill which they know very well like dance, arts, craft and so many other activities. Kids will definitely enjoy and will have loads of fun. In today’s times when there are nuclear families and kids are staying alone then, such activities can fill their life with love, happiness, enthusiasm, and positive energy.

It’s time to take step womenfolk, let’s get active for our kid’s sake because they are angels in our life!

Charu Mehrotra

Promoting Excellence in Women!


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