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Developing Public Speaking Skills in Children

Womenlines takes pleasure to welcome guest contributor  Vijayalakshmi Veluchamy, founder, Public speaking mentor @ Jump Out Kids – a venture in building a confident next generation. She is also a Senior Recruitment Consultant by profession. This month Vijaya is sharing a very insightful article on why parents should prioritize developing Public Speaking Skills in their children-

In today’s digital world children at an early age are exposed to a wide range of information through computers, television, mobile phones, tabs and their social circle, so with every child being so well informed, aware and knowledgeable what makes a child stand out?

Yes, it’s their ability to express and communicate to the world. If you can speak you are heard, looked upon and recognised. If you can’t speak up, no one knows what u know.


So Let’s see the benefits of developing Public Speaking Skills in children:

  • Starting the Journey early:

Public Speaking is a life skill like swimming and life skills are best learnt at an early age. The earlier they acquire the skills the lesser the opportunities they lose. By their teens, they get very conscious of being judged by people, so when this skill is developed early, they gain the confidence to face the world. So start early and get the fear out of the child.

  • Building Connections:

Effective Communication plays an important part in building relationships. Kids who can better express themselves have lots of friends around them. A healthy social life is an essential part of growing up. Connecting with people is a skill they develop which is vital in every stage of their life.


  • Increased Self-Esteem and Confidence:

When children are able to fearlessly express their views and ideas to the world they feel confident, identified and accepted. Every time the child stands up and speaks, it creates positive self-esteem and with every following attempt, their confidence levels increase much fold.


  • Leadership Qualities:

­Great orators have always drawn great admiration and support. Many are still remembered for their remarkable speeches. Children who can speak up and influence other children are always looked upon and given leadership roles. This is a great morale booster for the child.


  • Academic Benefits:

Schools provide immense opportunities to showcase their public speaking skills, be it reading aloud a passage, reciting a simple show and tell or presenting a class project. These little opportunities when taken up by the child creates immense confidence and helps them get noticed. Those who stay away from these opportunities are unfortunately left behind and this gap grows with age unless any positive step is taken.


  • Art of Persuasion:

Getting people to listen to you and convincing them to agree on your ideas is the main goal of delivering a speech. So kids automatically develop the art of persuasion through public speaking. The power to influence others through your speech is a great potential. Leaders are great persuaders. Acquiring this art at an early age is a priceless gift.

 Hence public speaking skills would help them to bring out their best, shine and stand out in the crowd. So help them develop the skill at an early stage, to cherish its benefits throughout their liFE.

Vijayalakshmi Veluchamy

Founder, Public speaking mentor @ Jump Out Kids – a venture in building a confident next generation. I am also a Senior Recruitment Consultant by profession. I love following my dreams and passion as I believe if we can dream,  we can do it.


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  1. Tabbu

    Public speaking plays an integral role in everyone’s life well said, in this Era of computers and technology many parents often overlook the importance of Social skills and public speaking. There are cases where a bright kid is not confident enough to talk in a crowd. He/she might be good at paperwork or be a compiter wizard but if they are not able to express then they will be deprived of many great opportunities in future.

    Things pointed our precicely and straight to the point. Am glad to have known you. My kids are in good hands. You are doing an amazing job !!

  2. Vanitha

    Hi Vijaya, very well written and I could not agree more? . Developing a child’s confidence at a young age helps to bring the child a long way In life.

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