Your mornings hold big treasures for you if you are ready to dig out with discipline! The Book ‘The 5 AM Club’ by famous author Robin Sharma will fuel you [ … ]
Welcome to ‘Success with Payal’ series at Womenlines! Womenlines takes pleasure to introduce Payal Nanjiani, a US-based globally acclaimed inspirational speaker, leadership and success coach, as an Influencer for ‘Corporate Success Tips’ [ … ]
Life is beautiful and it has to be lived beautifully with the ultimate aim to achieve excellence and success in life! I have strong belief that God has sent us [ … ]
1. Live in the Moment A must daily reminder to keep focus in present moment only and concentrate all thoughts actions and full energy on the job getting [ … ]
It is rarely you come across some book which makes you think deeply about your thought processes and just rewires you with a completely new mindset to manage the business [ … ]
Indira nooyi is woman of substance and needs no introduction in today’s times.This article is about her workstyle and achievements.