It is a world proven phenomenon that great speakers make greater leaders. You too can excel at your work, in your business, in your family/ social life, politics, social work, etc. becoming a Great Speaker. Fortunately, Great Speakers can be groomed. Just look around & listen to communications, advertisements & speeches in the media/events/ seminars, etc. Some observations can be made in the way we communicate our message, affecting the quality & effectiveness of our communications/ speeches/ presentations.
The 5 mistakes to avoid-
1) Speaking with artificial ‘western’ slangs & twangs/strong Asian accents is affecting the quality of & sincerity in their message. If it’s not original, they can’t hold it for too long & comes across as them being UNREAL, even when they have the BEST message.
2) Lack of conviction/professionalism, as words are spoken with just slides & notes, & in the ‘head’.
3) Very bad language usage affects the understanding of what they’re speaking about.
4) The focus is on themselves (speaker), “how ‘good’ they are coming across – (ego-talk), rather than the REAL message benefiting the audience/ listeners. This attitude puts-off the audience/listeners.
5) Speaking/Preaching what they don’t practise/ believe in. This is by far the most common mistake & listeners/audience can see through & will ‘shut-off’ when they do.
Where is the “heart” of what is spoken? Its time, we acknowledge how much many in Singapore/ Asia, lack, in the ability to “SPEAK” professionally. We may have the “substance”, immense values & real knowledge & a good command of MANY languages. But we need to TAKE MASSIVE Actions to STEP-UP & bring it across effectively, in an affluent, professional manner, so that we can stand out from the Global Crowd & Make our Mark.
The Fastest way to the ART OF ORATORY EXCELLENCE
1) Remove artificial slang’s, twangs / strong Asian accents when you speak. LEARN to Speak GOOD English (or any language) – & in the most Natural way, it’s meant to be spoken.
2) Focus on your message with clarity in your heart.
3) Enhance your intrinsic values in speaking.
You can stand out from the global crowd in your career/life & achieve GREATER heights as a GREATER LEADER when you can excel in both intrinsic & extrinsic values of communication.
Check out this Youtube Video Ranked No. 2 for “Professional Speaking” to understand & learn tips on intrinsic values.
Email to for your FREE report on the IPST(In’tl Professional Speaking & Training) Industry. Also, JOIN SHINE ADASTA (ADA Speakers & Trainers Alliance) on Facebook Group
Article by Azeeza Jalaludeen PPTD (Proficient Professional Trainer Developer) & Communication Specialist, effectively multi-lingual in Mandarin, English, Tamil & Malay, with more than 15years experience in Relationship Marketing & People Development. She is the Co-Founder of SHINE Academia De Aedificatio (ADA),. SHINE ADA is a Global Professional Edification Institution with diversified, unique programs for Corporates & Individuals.
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