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Guest Column

Be a Queen!

Mrunal Arun, a guest contributor at Womenlines has come across such a motivating poem ‘Be a Queen’ in Chicken Soup for Women Soul. Mrunal wants womenfolk to read it and get inspiration.


Be a Queen. Dare to be different. Be a pioneer. Be a leader. Be the kind of woman who in the face of adversity will continue to embrace life and walk fearlessly toward the challenge.Take it on!
Be a truthseeker and rule your domain, whatever it is – your home, your office, your family – with a loving heart.
Be a queen, Be tender. Continue to give birth to new ideas and rejoice in your womanhood… My prayer is that we will stop wasting time being mundane and mediocre…We are daughters of God – here to teach the world how to love…
It doesn’t matter what you’ve been through, where you come from, who your parents are – nor your social or economic status. None of that matters. What matters is how you choose to love, how you choose to express that love through your work, through your family, through what you have to give to the world….
Be a queen. Own your power and your Glory!

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  1. Wilma Ham

    These words are beautiful and these words can describe US if we let them resonate within the core of us and let them overshadow all the other words that we have taken on board and are NOT us.
    I also like what Marianne Williamson keep telling us, playing small doesn’t serve anybody.

  2. Murshidah Said

    What a wonderful message to share with the rest of the world. Empowering, powerful, loving and just what the world needs today. Let us work together to spread this message.


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