Womenlines as a digital media partner takes pleasure to share about the weekly webinar WEEB founded by Andrea Zsapka. Are you a first-time entrepreneur, woman entrepreneur, business owner, community leader, young professional, SME founder? Join the WEEB webinars and the WEEB Global Entrepreneur Elevator Community, become a WEEBER network and learn from the diverse experts we invite every week, grow and elevate others on the way!
WEEB 17th July 2020
Are you a young professional? Are you a first-time entrepreneur? Are you an entrepreneur who must restart business? Are you a business owner searching for support.
You will get all this at the weekly WEEB Entrepreneur Elevator Webinars and the Weeb Global Entrepreneur Elevator community.
Join us, become a WEEBER or just look around, bring a friend, spend some time with the community. We encourage first-time entrepreneurs to thrive in a safe interactive environment, by inviting diverse experts to give their best advice to new business owners to become successful fulfilled and socially conscious.
LinkedIn: ARCHANNA GAARG (https://www.linkedin.com/in/archannagaarg/)
Brand Building & Positioning Public Relations and Communications Expert
CEO on a mission to add value to the network I stay lit while I help others glow Public Relations & Communications, trained cheesemaker, handmade papermaker, diverse background, 2 children
Her goal is to help people grow, women, children, transgenders
WE discussed PR, Communication and Branding.
She offered a free 1 on 1 consultation to the most active participant.
- Always be yourself, how you want to be remembered
- Develop a strategic communication with transparency
- Creating a positive image on traditional and non-traditional ways
- PR is the tool to make you and your products, services, and actions visible
- If they know about you can start to make people be interested in you
- Try to create an emotional connection with your audience
- Train yourself, upscale yourself, be a learner
- If you start something complete the circle bring it to the finish
- Put all your resources into a passion and let everyone benefit from it
- Be clear about what you are offering and know how you are different from the competition
- Add additional value to your product to make people decide for your products
- Solve a problem of your customer
Current out of comfort zone challenge by Andrea Zapska:
I would like to invite you to a Global Online Women Empowerment Summit, help me prove a little drop can create a wave. I am organizing a global online summit for the first time ever, to encourage others to change and to reboot their lives after all that happened by showcasing everyone can have a global impact in today’s digital world. It is a 4 days summit with thought-provoking topics, I already have 25 international experts on board. I am including men in the conversation. Please consider, I would love to have you on board.
For more information:
Join the WEEB webinars and the WEEB Global Entrepreneur Elevator Community, become a WEEBER network and learn from the diverse experts we invite every week, grow and elevate others on the way–
If you are interested in branding and what comes before rushing online and getting lost check out my website: