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Are You Living In Integrity?

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Womenlines takes pleasure to welcome Zoe-Anna Bell, Relationship/Intimacy Coach from Australia as a guest Influencer at Womenlines. Zoe is sharing thought-provoking video and content questioning the readers about are they really living in Integrity and what is the purpose of Integrity-

Integrity will become more talked about as we shift into 2020, the year of Transparency. There is no hiding from covering up what may happen behind the scenes as this is a refreshing change for women. The performing and pretending get us so far, and yet blocks us from feeling free and living with happiness. 
Enjoy the video, please comment and I love to all feedback. Yes, learning and growth are never-ending, so be raw-real and transparent. We learn together, women supporting one another, as Tribe. 
Take away tips: 

  • Be brave – this is your life to live the best life ever
  • Be willing to speak your raw-real and uncut Truth
  • Observe your actions & reactions – keep a journal
  • Reflect upon your journal insights with loving kindness 
  • Nothing shifts over-night- so be patient with progress 
  • Most vital of all- learn to laugh and have fun! 

Social Media Links: 

E: info@zoe-anna.com

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Zoe-Anna Bell Bio

Zoe-Anna, Relationship/Intimacy Coach. ‘Raw Feminine Power’- Facilitating connection to your true self. Access Flow State Mastery & E.I Excellence. She is a 3x published author on Amazon with RAW- A key to a Woman’s Heart & Soul reaching No.1 Bestseller. Her Trilogy is soon to release. 

Zoe-Anna runs three on-line coaching programs, The Potent Blueprint & Restore & Reset. She is balancing her purpose with being a Mum to two beautiful boys in Sydney, Australia. 

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