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Check your moods!


Do you get moody at times? Are you having a problem managing your moods?

Most of the women do, it’s not a surprise as facts show that both men and women have monthly periods of hormonal surge that make them more ‘moody’ or subject to sudden moods. However, women hormonal surges are stronger and therefore reflect deeper on their behaviour.

Well, it can be said women are moody because they are emotional and because they are emotional they are better managers. They can better identify and empathize with their employees and gain their confidence. I came across these facts that Smart women master their moods, that are they live by direction, determination, and decision rather than whim.

While going through so many emotions difficulty comes when we are not able to identify the feeling and understand its intensity. I came across such interesting fact that there are women who let their emotions run rampant. Smart women will shake off their earlier arguments, they will refuse to continue reacting to any comment throughout their day as they dealt with others and made the decision affecting other people. It is said that women who have mastered their moods have a higher tolerance for frustration, use fewer put-downs, handle conflicts more easily, avoid self-sabotaging reactions, and feel more positive about life. If you don’t master your mood they will muddle your mind. Smart women know when to say no, they know when to take a breather. So never be overwhelmed with your work. Often we suffer in silence. We get our feelings hurt when we should get angry, we are hurt we sometimes yell and accuse.

Negative thoughts create nasty moods, which will keep you away from what you want to achieve. Like so many skills in life, mood management requires both determination and skill. Negative moods can be a visible output of inner turn moil.We deal with the same issue again and again. Unresolved conflict forms the foundation of our emotional terrain. Replace blame with awareness,  resentment with gratitude, guilt with permission, smart women find their centre their core the inner calm that helps them deflect attacks and resist seductions smart women have learned to connect their body with their emotions. They know what makes them feel calm, collected and confident


Charu Mehrotra

Promoting Excellence in Women! 






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