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Let's Erase Domestic ViolenceTalk Shows

Episode 7: Let’s Erase Domestic Violence- Introduce Women’s Rights as a Subject in Schools

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Womenlines presents a talk show ‘Let’s erase Domestic Violence’.This talk show aims to share various ways to prevent domestic violence from our society across the globe. In this episode, Archana Mittal, a Therapist/Counsellor/Social Worker from India is sharing about her petition to Introduce Women’s Rights as a Subject in School to Erase Domestic Violence Sign the Petition! http://chng.it/wSv524XL!

Let’s support Archana in getting the initiative of introducing ‘Women’s Rights’ as a subject in Schools. In her words-

Violence against women occurs throughout her life – from before she is born, infancy, childhood, adolescence, and till adulthood. Most of the data are believed to be unreliable as many cases go unreported.
 Legislative changes by itself would not suffice because violence against women is a deep-rooted social problem. Lack of awareness, not knowing her rights, and the fear of getting hurt often prevent women from taking any action. Starting at the ground level, gender sensitisation by parents and teachers is needed to sensitise children. Building a strong foundation and learning about their rights early on in life will help recognise and avoid domestic violence from a very young age. 1 in 3 women and 1 in 7 men experience domestic violence by the time they are adults. I want these statistics to be a thing of the past. By providing education in schools about topics related to domestic violence, schools can help prevent incidents and create a culture where domestic violence is no longer such common behaviour in our society. That is why I am addressing this petition to the Ministry of Education and Women and Child Welfare, asking them to introduce women’s rights as a subject in schools, to help address concepts from an early age, and erase domestic violence. There is a need for both men and women to understand this problem, and work together to eradicate it. Sign my petition.
 It’s time we Educate To Erase!

Archana Mittal

Archana Mittal

Archana is a chemical engineer by qualification, associate partner at Encito Advisors, Therapist/Counsellor/Social Worker Archana brings in a skill-set of networking and communications. She has been a founder member of many national and international social development initiatives. and Dr Bollineni Keerthi, president Vasavya Mahila Mandali NGO

Bollineni Keerthi

It is a pleasure to have Bollineni Keerthi, President at Vasavya Mahila Mandali NGO, who is doing incredible work for women empowerment in India. She is sharing her observations after meeting and listening to so many women’s stories facing challenges, what every woman should prioritise in life for herself and also teach her daughter so they don’t have to face those challenges.

At Womenlines we strongly believe that as a woman we all are having amazing powers, and skills, which can help us to achieve our dreams and fight challenges in life. Many women across the globe forget or are not even aware of it. Through ‘Let’s Erase Domestic Violence Talkshow’ we want to reach out to women globally who are facing this violence, that they can come out of it, and make them believe that there are people to help them out to prevent domestic violence.

Links to – Episode 1234, 5, 6

DISCLAIMER: All opinions expressed by the Programme Participants are solely their current opinion and do not reflect the opinion of Womenlines!

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