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Inner Space Management Can Bring Clarity in Life

Womenlines Influencer for Yoga, Archana Amlapure sharing this month is about how Inner Space Management can bring clarity in life-

What is inner space?

Our inner space is full of

  • Thoughts
  • Emotions/feelings
  • Memories

HAPPINESS is Inner space management or managing and balancing above-mentioned things.

Circumstances, situations, relationships make us feel demotivated and takes away our happiness, but our attitudes can keep us healthy in any situation and circumstances. Fewer thoughts and fewer activities make life simple and easy. The expansion is immense happiness; constriction is sadness, worries, stress, and tension.

The first step to manage your inner space is to manage and keep your outer space healthy. Ensuring outer space is also maintained well, which contributes to inner space.

What is outer space and how we can manage it?

  • Family
  • Health
  • Friends
  •  Work
  • Interests

Take out some time and check if each of this space is cluttered or organized.

When we shift our awareness from self to objects, situations and relationships, then the activity of senses increases, and we move in the process of involution.

But when we shift our awareness from objects to self, dependency on senses reduces; we come close to our true self and process of evolution starts.

Regular Practice of Yoga helps and supports the process of evolutions and the tools used are:

  • Meditation/slowing down activities of mind
  • Yoga
  • Gratitude
  • Positive actions
  • Deep breathing

How do we manage our inner space?

Just by following 5 tips we can manage inner space quite well-

1. Write 3 things you are grateful for (21 days)

The struggles end when gratitude begins.

Very often we crib and complain about the things, which we don’t have. Gratitude means having awareness for the many good, small or big things you have in your life. Gratitude can be expressing and putting it into words. When you express your gratitude regularly, then you can turn negativity into positivity, chaos into order, denial into acceptance, confusion into clarity and a house into a home. When you have a sense of abundance and realization, each day gets better and better.

Write three things every day, which you are grateful for, for 21 days to make this a habit and attract abundance in life.

2. Keep Journal – write one positive thing about yourself

Journaling is like whispering to oneself and listening at the same time- Mina Murray

Journaling is therapeutic as well as healing. Every day along with Gratitude, write down one positive thing about yourself.

Always our mind tends to think or create a situation, which is not in your own favour, and criticize us. The act of writing the positive thing about you will help you to see things positively and train your brain to think more positively

3.Yoga postures to train your body

The entry point or first outer space is your own physical body, which needs to be taken care of. When you are healthy on you’re physically, then only you can manage your inner space very well or else you spend all the time managing your body. Yoga is the best way to train your body to strengthen muscles, improve immunity and stamina and increase flexibility. Dedicating 15 minutes daily and minimum 2-3 days in a week will have a magical effect on your outer space.

4. Meditation to spend time with your self

Our bodies are designed to move and mind to stay still, but we do exactly opposite in this modern age. Meditation is the sure way to make your mind still and when it happens, you stay with yourself and this is the best way to spend time with yourself. This process makes it easier to manage your inner spaces.

5. Random act of kindness without expecting

If we all do one random act of kindness daily, we just might set the world in the right direction.

When we do something for others without any expectations, it gives the pure pleasure and happiness. Kindness gives the feeling of gratitude. It promotes empathy and compassion. Doing simple acts like helping others, holding the door for someone behind you, giving the seat to elderly/needy people in bus or train, will lead to a sense of interconnectedness with others. It is the best way to release stress and studies also shows that the people who are happy are more kind.

So, do at least one act of kindness per day.

When we follow above tips, these triggers take less priority and you can focus more on the important task, which you want to do. Remember, wherever you direct your focus, energy floats towards that. Whatever you allow in your space, you eventually become that.

Finally, why not to make a choice to allow peace, content, stillness and feeling of joy and happiness to your inner space…

-Archana Amlapure

Instagram: ojasyoga0704
Linkedin: Archana Amlapure


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