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International Women’s Day Celebration by SHINE-Fiesta in Singapore(II)

“One is not born Woman, one becomes one.”
To celebrate this spirit of womanhood on the eve of International women’s day, event Fiesta was organized by SHINE – Self-Help International Network Enterprise. A Social Enterprise in Singapore. Their forte is in training Int’l Professional Speakers/Trainers & Social Entrepreneurs. They also organize charitable events & Outreach Programs for the community.

International Women’s day is one particular date in the whole year in which women are acknowledged for her achievements in different fields. Efforts are made globally, to work towards the improvement of women’s status in society and her empowerment.
Woman acts as a wife, mother, sister, daughter and maybe also a professional. Multitasking all her jobs with credibility is in itself an achievement. As a professional, she delivers all her responsibilities with diligence, as a family person she plays all roles with affection and perfection. Definitely, she deserves admiration for her performance.
Womankind has always been known for her courage, determination, diligence, integrity, softness, confidence, charm and so many more attributes. It is time for her to enjoy all her attributes, enhance her knowledge regarding her advancement, pamper herself, and most importantly ENJOY! Celebrating womanhood…The ‘Fiesta’ gave a platform to womenfolk to do all they wanted and longed to do. Packaged with the variety of workshops, dance performances, music performances, lucky draws, and stalls for health screening, makeovers, foot and shoulder massages, henna, painting, and lots more activities, Fiesta gave a reason to womenfolk to party, enhance knowledge, and appreciate their worth!
The opening of the event was done by keynote delivered by Dr Ramesh Nambiar Hon. PhD Founder of SHINE – Self-Help International Network Enterprise. It was followed by a programme Women Shining around the World, where ladies representing different countries attired in particular countries costume ramped around the stage. Dance performances Hip Hop by G30 Group, Indian Dance by Madhavi, Fusion Dance by Meenu and Belly Dance by Stephanie were appreciated a lot.
Celebrity Performance by” Live Your Dream” fame Alan Sandosham was a real crowd puller.dsc06077

Beauty, good health and a strong personality defines the essence of womanhood around. Keeping this in mind all workshops were designed to enhance their knowledge regarding these aspects. This will help them to become healthier, confident and beautiful. The first workshop Creating a Healthy You was remarkable in the sense as it talked about women menstrual issues, healthy diet tips & how to exercise effectively, even using a mop & pail. Speaker’s profiles reflect their expertise in their particular field- Ms Angela Lee – Health Specialist with many years experience in Holistic Health Management, Ms Ketki Vinayachandra – Head of Fertility Centre in Natural Therapies Centre, Singapore. Australian trained Naturopath, Herbalist Dave – Certified Physical Trainer & Instructor who conducts health & fitness classes for women, to exercise in the comfort of their home. Ladies were benefitted by the discussion about the health management.
Workshop on Creating a Beautiful You was carried by Mrs Lena Lee who is the Beauty & Wellness personal Grooming & Make-up Specialist with many years of experience. .Ladies got a chance to learn exciting tips to DIY Anti-Aging, Skin-Care. Also Got Hands-on Makeup / Grooming ideas. Participants also got a chance to get on the spot make-over.
Creating an Avant-Garde You workshop was carried by Dr Ramesh Nambiar Hon. PhD. – Int’l Professional Empowerment Coach with more than 25 years experience in Mind Energizing. The workshop was about discovering your passion to stand out in the current scenario. The idea of the workshop was to motivate the audience to ponder about their dreams so that they can come out from their comfort zone and work hard in creating a niche for themselves.
The highlight of the event was dialogue session with 4 achieving Women who had inspiring success stories to share on their work/ business & personal lives. It was inspiring to listen to Ms Angela Lee, Spirit of Enterprise 2005 Award Winner, who shared on her 19 years business experience in the Property Industry, & how she pursued her dreams based on her “inner voice”. She is also a Socio-preneur, creating awareness on women health issues.

The other Achieving woman in the Dialogue session was Ms Azeeza Jalaludeen, Co-Founder of SHINE. She’s a Full-time Home-maker, turned Professional Speaker & Trainer. She touched on how she derives her inspiration from within, & the women around her, including from her mother.
Ms Moon Loh and Ms Murshidah were the other speakers. Ms Moon Loh introduced the audience to interesting word Mompreneur. Mompreneur is moms who establish businesses at home while also acting as the parent of their children. In Canada, they define Mompreneur as “A woman started the business because she’s been inspired by being a mother”. This information was quite new and inspiring to ladies. Doing business from home sounds good to all mothers. Ms Moon shares tips on her blog how to enhance business by internet marketing.
Ms Murshidah is related to Accelerated Learning Centre for people passionate about enhancing education and training systems. She has been doing lots of corporate and public workshops now in areas of personal enhancement. She shared her experiences with the audience to how to overcome your fears and obstacles and come out a winner. The Message of the Fiesta was “Lady, You Are Doing The Best You Can; I appreciate You for your efforts!”
If nobody’s telling you this, its time you stop & tell yourself & feel the essence of worthiness in yourself, accept it, enjoy it & grow stronger with this feeling!”

The Chairperson of the Fiesta Organizing Committee, Ms Azeeza Jalaludeen was very appreciative of the efforts of the volunteer team of ladies made the p of multi-ethnic group in Singapore.

First of its kind in Singapore, this Fiesta is going to be a yearly event. Hats off to Organizing Team!

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One comment
  1. Azeeza Jalaludeen

    Great Coverage of the Fiesta, Charu. Your valuable contributions to the success of the Fiesta is truly & sincerely appreciated.

    SHINE is very grateful to all who played a part to help reach out to women in Singapore & benefit all. We look forward to arranging more such events with your support.

    God Bless!

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