Womenlines welcomes Dr Tazeen Siddiqui as a guest contributor at Womenlines. She is the Managing Director at Mansha Educational Society, India. In her heartfelt sharing this month Dr Tazeen is reminding parents what to focus on when their kids are going to appear for examinations-
Dear Parents,
All the Best for your ward Exams and fasten your seat belt as the Exams take off and kindly follow the rules that you can read and watch below …You have to wear oxygen mask of Tolerance when your child is angry, anxious and stressed, In case of Emergency of your child’s Low grades in examination, do not forget to wear the life jacket as it posses three most important elements to save you and your child to drown in life and they are love, care and justice …In our journey of examination, you will be provided with the delicious cuisine of Guidance, Tips to stress-free examination and lots of love which would make your journey calm and composed.
In case you need to do Emergency landing to the examination without preparation of examination, we will be providing you enough time to prepare and also an opportunity to land at safest place in Examination whenever you are prepared, This journey of Examination will not give the assessment of your intelligence, it will be the assessment of your Behavior to deal with all situations and come out as a great winner with safe landing …”Let your child Take off this flight of Examination with ease and happiness …And let it land with safety, courage and immense success.
Best Regards,

Dr Tazeen Siddiqui,
Managing Director
Mansha Educational society
I love sharing knowledge and help everyone to rise with Excellence.I am an Educationist and Educational consultant Hyderabad, presented paper at Harvard University on Multiple Intelligences 54, Blogger Times of India, Long term economy blog, GGA Global Goodwill Ambassador Director India.