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Social Branding Series -2: Have A Clear Vision About What You Want

Womenlines takes pleasure to share about  Jahnavi Katti as Success Mindset & Social Branding Influencer at Womenlines panel. Jahnavi is an  Abundance Mindset Coach, Lifestyle Entrepreneur, #Story2Satori youtube chatshow host, and  CEO of Keykonnecct. Jahnavi creates compelling visual stories, partners with brands to reach their target audience and provides consultancy on Storytelling & Branding. She has shared a powerful article on the importance of self-discovery and how to have a clear vision about what you want–

Confusing situations outside in your external environment is a reflection of your internal environment, your Mindset. Usually confused people are not clear about what they want in life. It is also a result of a Fixed Mindset. People with a fixed Mindset think that they cannot change in fact they are not open to change, but on the other hand, they expect others to be accommodating and expect a lot of change in their lives like great relationships, joy, a healthy Lifestyle and Career growth. They don’t realize it is a result of their own Mindset that they are suffering in life. Maybe many are not at extreme spectrums of either having a Fixed Mindset or a Positive growth Mindset, In fact, many may be swayed by the circumstances of life to either extreme.

Ways to hack your Mindset

Observing the words and the language one uses when talking to others and also the internal dialogue ie the thoughts or the self-talk can show how much self-conscious you are. If you use the negative words either with others or in your self talk your consciousness is absorbing this and brings it into your reality.

Many Women have a nagging and complaining habit and this has become a way of life or attitude creating their reality. They may have guilt trips about it and about other things like what they eat, how they look or how much their weight is. Observing the feelings when they speak or eat can help them start their journey to self-discovery.

Self Discovery is the road to success and it is the beginning of Change. The only change is constant. Once you realize this you will be better equipped to deal with life’s challenges.

Create a New Identity

For experiencing new things in life one needs a new Identity. To create a new Identity you must change your beliefs about your own Self. This way you can recreate your Identity. Exercise to do is saying “I am becoming a positive person with a winning attitude “ in place of “I am a loser “ Redefine Failure: See failure as an opportunity to learn, a stepping stone to success. Bounce back by responding well to failure. Attend the Self Discovery webinar by Success Mindset Coach Jahnavi Katti. Connect with Jahnavi Katti on Facebook Page Story2Satori and DM “Success Mindset Webinar “ and you will receive the link to attend the Webinar


Jahnavi Katti CPC

Lifestyle Entrepreneur

#Story2Satori Host

Mindfulness & Abundance Mindset Coach

CEO KeyKonnecct

Two Decades of Corporate Mindful Leadership Training and Coaching Experience




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